Interface Sail

All Known Subinterfaces:
NotifyingSail, StackableSail
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractForwardChainingInferencer, AbstractNotifyingSail, AbstractSail, CustomGraphQueryInferencer, DedupingInferencer, DirectTypeHierarchyInferencer, ElasticsearchStore, ExtensibleStore, FedX, FedXConnection.SailBaseDefaultImpl, LmdbStore, LuceneSail, MemoryStore, NativeStore, NotifyingSailWrapper, SailWrapper, SchemaCachingRDFSInferencer, ShaclSail

public interface Sail
Sail (Storage And Inference Layer) is an interface for RDF storage. RDF Sails can store RDF statements and evaluate queries over them. Statements can be stored in named contexts or in the null context. Contexts can be used to group sets of statements that logically belong together, for example because they come from the same source. Both URIs and blank nodes can be used as context identifiers.
Arjohn Kampman