Class SPIN
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic IRI Can be set to true to indicate that this module shall not be instantiated.static final IRI
static final IRI
static final IRI
static final IRI
static final IRI
static final IRI
static IRI A SPIN template that wraps an ASK query.static IRI Suggested abstract base class for all AskTemplates.static IRI The body of a Function or Template.static IRI Provides metadata about a column in the result set of a (SPARQL) query, for example of the body queries of SPIN templates.static IRI The index of a column (from left to right) starting at 0.static IRI Can link a TableDataProvider (esp.static IRI The datatype or resource type of a spin:Column.static IRI The preferred width of the associated Column, for display purposes.static IRI Can be used to link a resource with a SPARQL query or update request (sp:Command).static IRI Links a class with constraints on its instances.static IRI An object that can be created by spin:constraints to provide information about a constraint violation.static final IRI
static IRI
static IRI Suggested abstract base class for all ConstructTemplates.static IRI Can be used to attach a "constructor" to a class.static final IRI
static final IRI
Deprecated.static final IRI Evaluates a given SPIN expression or SELECT or ASK query, and returns its result.static final IRI
static IRI Can be used to link a ConstraintViolation with one or more UPDATE Templates that would help fix the violation.static IRI Metaclass for functions that can be used in SPARQL expressions (e.g.static IRI An abstract base class for all defined functions.static IRI Can be used to link an RDF graph (usually the instance of owl:Ontology) with a SPIN library to define constraints.static final IRI
static IRI A template string for displaying instantiations of a module in human-readable form.static IRI A marker class that can be attached to base URIs (ontologies) to instruct SPIN engines that this ontology only contains a library of SPIN declarations.static IRI An abstract superclass that can be used to group all spin:MagicProperty instances under a single parent class.static IRI
static IRI An abstract building block of a SPARQL system.static IRI An "artificial" parent class for all Functions and Templates.static final String An RDF Schema that can be used to attach constraints and rules to RDFS classes, and to encapsulate reusable SPARQL queries into functions and templates.static IRI Can be used to link two sub-properties of spin:rule (or spin:rule itself) to instruct the SPIN engine to execute one set of rules before another one.static final Namespace
static final String
static IRI Can be set to true to indicate that a SPIN function is only meant to be used as a helper of other functions, but not directly.static IRI Can be used to point from any resource to a Query.static IRI The return type of a Function, e.g.static IRI Groups together the kinds of SPARQL commands that can appear as SPIN rules and constructors: CONSTRUCT, DELETE WHERE and DELETE/INSERT.static IRI An inferencing rule attached to a class.static IRI The metaclass of spin:rule and its subproperties.static IRI Can be attached to spin:rule (or subclasses thereof) to instruct a SPIN rules engine that it shall only execute the rules max times.static final IRI
static IRI A SPIN template that wraps a SELECT query.static IRI Suggested abstract base class for all SelectTemplates.static IRI The symbol of a function, e.g.static IRI An "abstract" base property that groups together those system properties that the user will hardly ever need to see in property trees.static IRI An abstraction of objects that can produce tabular data.static IRI The metaclass of SPIN templates.static IRI Suggested abstract base class for all Templates.static IRI A system variable representing the current context instance in a rule or constraint.static IRI Can be set to true for SPIN rules and constraints that do not require pre-binding the variable ?this with all members of the associated class.static IRI Can be used to point from any resource to an Update.static IRI A SPIN template that has an UPDATE command as its body.static IRI Suggested abstract base class for all UpdateTemplates.static final IRI
static IRI An optional attribute of ConstraintViolations to provide a path expression from the root resource to the value that is invalid.static IRI The root resource of the violation (often ?this in the constraint body).static IRI Can be used to link a spin:ConstraintViolation with the query or template call that caused it.static final IRI
static final IRI
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
NAMESPACE An RDF Schema that can be used to attach constraints and rules to RDFS classes, and to encapsulate reusable SPARQL queries into functions and templates.- See Also:
- See Also:
FUNCTION_CLASS Metaclass for functions that can be used in SPARQL expressions (e.g. FILTER or BIND). The function themselves are classes that are instances of this metaclass. Function calls are instances of the function classes, with property values for the arguments. -
MODULE_CLASS An abstract building block of a SPARQL system. A Module can take Arguments as input and applies them on an input RDF Graph. The Arguments should be declared as spin:constraints. -
BODY_PROPERTY The body of a Function or Template. This points to a Query instance. For Functions, this is limited to either ASK or SELECT type queries. If the body is the ASK function then the return value is xsd:boolean. Otherwise, the SELECT query must have a single return variable. The first binding of this SELECT query will be returned as result of the function call. -
TABLE_DATA_PROVIDER_CLASS An abstraction of objects that can produce tabular data. This serves as a base class of spin:SelectTemplate, because SELECT queries can produce tables with columns for each result variable. However, other types of TableDataProviders are conceivable by other frameworks, and this class may prove as a useful shared foundation. TableDataProviders can link to definitions of columns via spin:column, and these definitions can inform rendering engines. -
TEMPLATE_CLASS The metaclass of SPIN templates. Templates are classes that are instances of this class. A template represents a reusable SPARQL query or update request that can be parameterized with arguments. Templates can be instantiated in places where normally a SPARQL query or update request is used, in particular as spin:rules and spin:constraints. -
RULE_CLASS Groups together the kinds of SPARQL commands that can appear as SPIN rules and constructors: CONSTRUCT, DELETE WHERE and DELETE/INSERT. This class is never to be instantiated directly. -
ASK_TEMPLATE_CLASS A SPIN template that wraps an ASK query. -
UPDATE_TEMPLATE_CLASS A SPIN template that has an UPDATE command as its body. -
RULE_PROPERTY_CLASS The metaclass of spin:rule and its subproperties. spin:RuleProperties can have additional metadata attached to them. -
CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION_CLASS An object that can be created by spin:constraints to provide information about a constraint violation. -
MODULES_CLASS An "artificial" parent class for all Functions and Templates. -
SELECT_TEMPLATE_CLASS A SPIN template that wraps a SELECT query. -
COLUMN_CLASS Provides metadata about a column in the result set of a (SPARQL) query, for example of the body queries of SPIN templates. Columns can define human-readable labels that serve as column titles, using rdfs:label. -
LIBRARY_ONTOLOGY_CLASS A marker class that can be attached to base URIs (ontologies) to instruct SPIN engines that this ontology only contains a library of SPIN declarations. Library Ontologies should be ignored by SPIN inference engines even if they have been imported by a domain model. For example, a SPIN version of OWL RL may contain all the OWL RL axioms, attached to owl:Thing, but nothing else. However, when executed, these axioms should not be executed over themselves, because we don't want the system to reason about the SPIN triples to speed up things. -
UPDATE_PROPERTY Can be used to point from any resource to an Update. -
COMMAND_PROPERTY Can be used to link a resource with a SPARQL query or update request (sp:Command). -
RETURN_TYPE_PROPERTY The return type of a Function, e.g. xsd:string. -
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_PROPERTY An "abstract" base property that groups together those system properties that the user will hardly ever need to see in property trees. This property may be dropped in future versions of this ontology - right now it's mainly here for convenience. -
COLUMN_PROPERTY Can link a TableDataProvider (esp. SelectTemplate) with one or more columns that provide metadata for rendering purposes. Columns can be sorted by their spin:columnIndex (which must align with the ordering of variables in the SELECT query starting with 0). Not all result variables of the underlying query need to have a matching spin:Column. -
SYMBOL_PROPERTY The symbol of a function, e.g. "=" for the eq function. -
VIOLATION_ROOT_PROPERTY The root resource of the violation (often ?this in the constraint body). -
COLUMN_TYPE_PROPERTY The datatype or resource type of a spin:Column. For example this is useful as metadata to inform a rendering engine that numeric columns (e.g. xsd:float) need to be right-aligned. -
NEXT_RULE_PROPERTY_PROPERTY Can be used to link two sub-properties of spin:rule (or spin:rule itself) to instruct the SPIN engine to execute one set of rules before another one. The values of the subject property will be executed before those of the object property. -
PRIVATE_PROPERTY Can be set to true to indicate that a SPIN function is only meant to be used as a helper of other functions, but not directly. Among others, this allows user interfaces to filter out private functions. Furthermore, it tells potential users of this function that they should avoid using this function, as it may not be stable. -
LABEL_TEMPLATE_PROPERTY A template string for displaying instantiations of a module in human-readable form. The template may contain the argument variable names in curly braces to support substitution. For example, "The number of values of the {?arg1} property." -
VIOLATION_PATH_PROPERTY An optional attribute of ConstraintViolations to provide a path expression from the root resource to the value that is invalid. If this is a IRI then the path represents the predicate of a subject/predicate combination. Otherwise it should be a blank node of type sp:Path. -
CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTY Can be used to attach a "constructor" to a class. A constructor is a SPARQL CONSTRUCT query or INSERT/DELETE Update operation that can add initial values to the current instance. At execution time, the variable ?this is bound to the current instance. Tools can call constructors of a class and its superclasses when an instance of a class has been created. Constructors will also be used to initialize resources that have received a new rdf:type triple as a result of spin:rules firing. -
ABSTRACT_PROPERTY Can be set to true to indicate that this module shall not be instantiated. Abstract modules are only there to organize other modules into hierarchies. -
CONSTRAINT_PROPERTY Links a class with constraints on its instances. The values of this property are "axioms" expressed as CONSTRUCT or ASK queries where the variable ?this refers to the instances of the surrounding class. ASK queries must evaluate to false for each member of this class - returning true means that the instance ?this violates the constraint. CONSTRUCT queries must create instances of spin:ConstraintViolation to provide details on the reason for the violation. -
QUERY_PROPERTY Can be used to point from any resource to a Query. -
FIX_PROPERTY Can be used to link a ConstraintViolation with one or more UPDATE Templates that would help fix the violation. -
COLUMN_WIDTH_PROPERTY The preferred width of the associated Column, for display purposes. Values in pixels (rendering engines may multiply the values depending on resolution). -
VIOLATION_SOURCE_PROPERTY Can be used to link a spin:ConstraintViolation with the query or template call that caused it. This property is typically filled in automatically by the constraint checking engine and does not need to be set manually. However, it can be useful to learn more about the origin of a violation. -
COLUMN_INDEX_PROPERTY The index of a column (from left to right) starting at 0. -
THIS_UNBOUND_PROPERTY Can be set to true for SPIN rules and constraints that do not require pre-binding the variable ?this with all members of the associated class. This flag should only be set to true if the WHERE clause is sufficiently strong to only bind instances of the associated class, or its subclasses. In those cases, the engine can greatly improve performance of query execution, because it does not need to add clauses to narrow down the WHERE clause. -
RULE_PROPERTY_MAX_ITERATION_COUNT_PROPERTY Can be attached to spin:rule (or subclasses thereof) to instruct a SPIN rules engine that it shall only execute the rules max times. If no value is specified, then the rules will be executed with no specific limit. -
IMPORTS_PROPERTY Can be used to link an RDF graph (usually the instance of owl:Ontology) with a SPIN library to define constraints. SPIN-aware tools should include the definitions from those libraries for constraint checking. Using such libraries is a simpler alternative than explicitly importing them using owl:imports, because it does not force all the SPIN triples into the RDF model. -
CONSTRUCT_TEMPLATES_CLASS Suggested abstract base class for all ConstructTemplates. -
TEMPLATES_CLASS Suggested abstract base class for all Templates. -
EVAL_FUNCTION Evaluates a given SPIN expression or SELECT or ASK query, and returns its result. The first argument must be the expression in SPIN RDF syntax. All other arguments must come in pairs: first a property name, and then a value. These name/value pairs will be pre-bound variables for the execution of the expression. -
Deprecated. -
FUNCTIONS_CLASS An abstract base class for all defined functions. This class mainly serves as a shared root so that the various instances of the Function metaclass are grouped together. -
ASK_TEMPLATES_CLASS Suggested abstract base class for all AskTemplates. -
SELECT_TEMPLATES_CLASS Suggested abstract base class for all SelectTemplates. -
MAGIC_PROPERTIES_CLASS An abstract superclass that can be used to group all spin:MagicProperty instances under a single parent class. -
THIS_CONTEXT_INSTANCE A system variable representing the current context instance in a rule or constraint. -
UPDATE_TEMPLATES_CLASS Suggested abstract base class for all UpdateTemplates. -
RULE_PROPERTY An inferencing rule attached to a class. Rules are expressed as CONSTRUCT queries or INSERT/DELETE operations where the variable ?this will be bound to the current instance of the class. These inferences can be used to derive new values from existing values at the instance. -
Constructor Details
public SPIN()