Class UnionIteration<E>

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Iterator<E>, CloseableIteration<E>

public class UnionIteration<E> extends LookAheadIteration<E>
An Iteration that returns the bag union of the results of a number of Iterations. 'Bag union' means that the UnionIteration does not filter duplicate objects.
  • Constructor Details

    • UnionIteration

      @SafeVarargs public UnionIteration(CloseableIteration<? extends E>... args)
      Creates a new UnionIteration that returns the bag union of the results of a number of Iterations.
      args - The Iterations containing the elements to iterate over.
    • UnionIteration

      public UnionIteration(Iterable<? extends CloseableIteration<? extends E>> args)
      Creates a new UnionIteration that returns the bag union of the results of a number of Iterations.
      args - The Iterations containing the elements to iterate over.
  • Method Details