Class AbstractQueryModelVisitor<X extends Exception>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseTupleExprRenderer, ContextCollector, EvaluationStatistics.CardinalityCalculator, QueryModelTreePrinter, QueryModelTreeToGenericPlanNode, TripleRefCollector, TupleExprBuilder.SameTermCollector, TupleExprBuilder.VarCollector

public abstract class AbstractQueryModelVisitor<X extends Exception> extends Object implements QueryModelVisitor<X>
Base class for QueryModelVisitors. This class implements all meet(... node) methods from the visitor interface, forwarding the call to a method for the node's supertype. This is done recursively until meetNode(org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.QueryModelNode) is reached. This allows subclasses to easily define default behaviour for visited nodes of a certain type. The default implementation of meetNode(org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.QueryModelNode) is to visit the node's children.