Class SPARQLRepository

All Implemented Interfaces:
HttpClientDependent, SessionManagerDependent, Repository

public class SPARQLRepository extends AbstractRepository implements HttpClientDependent, SessionManagerDependent
A proxy class to access any SPARQL 1.1 endpoint.
James Leigh
  • Constructor Details

    • SPARQLRepository

      public SPARQLRepository(String endpointUrl)
      Create a new SPARQLRepository using the supplied endpoint URL for queries and updates.
      endpointUrl - a SPARQL endpoint URL. May not be null.
    • SPARQLRepository

      public SPARQLRepository(String queryEndpointUrl, String updateEndpointUrl)
      Create a new SPARQLRepository using the supplied query endpoint URL for queries, and the supplied update endpoint URL for updates.
      queryEndpointUrl - a SPARQL endpoint URL for queries. May not be null.
      updateEndpointUrl - a SPARQL endpoint URL for updates. May not be null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if one of the supplied endpoint URLs is null.
  • Method Details

    • getHttpClientSessionManager

      public HttpClientSessionManager getHttpClientSessionManager()
      Description copied from interface: SessionManagerDependent
      HttpClientSessionManager that has been assigned or has been used by this object. The life cycle might not be or might be tied to this object, depending on whether HttpClientSessionManager was passed to or created by this object respectively.
      Specified by:
      getHttpClientSessionManager in interface SessionManagerDependent
      a HttpClientSessionManager instance or null
    • setHttpClientSessionManager

      public void setHttpClientSessionManager(HttpClientSessionManager client)
      Description copied from interface: SessionManagerDependent
      Assign an HttpClientSessionManager that this object should use. The life cycle of the given HttpClientSessionManager is independent of this object. Closing or shutting down this object does not have any impact on the given client. Callers must ensure that the given client is properly closed elsewhere.
      Specified by:
      setHttpClientSessionManager in interface SessionManagerDependent
    • getHttpClient

      public final org.apache.http.client.HttpClient getHttpClient()
      Description copied from interface: HttpClientDependent
      HttpClient that has been assigned or has been used by this object. The life cycle might not be or might be tied to this object, depending on whether HttpClient was passed to or created by this object respectively.
      Specified by:
      getHttpClient in interface HttpClientDependent
      an HttpClient instance or null
    • setHttpClient

      public void setHttpClient(org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient)
      Description copied from interface: HttpClientDependent
      Assign an HttpClient that this object should use. The life cycle of the given HttpClient is independent of this object. Closing or shutting down this object does not have any impact on the given client. Callers must ensure that the given client is properly closed elsewhere.
      Specified by:
      setHttpClient in interface HttpClientDependent
    • createSPARQLProtocolSession

      protected SPARQLProtocolSession createSPARQLProtocolSession()
      Creates a new SPARQLProtocolSession object. The life-cycle of this is per-connection.
      a SPARQLProtocolSession object.
    • createHTTPClient

      @Deprecated protected SPARQLProtocolSession createHTTPClient()
    • getConnection

      public RepositoryConnection getConnection() throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: Repository
      Opens a connection to this repository that can be used for querying and updating the contents of the repository. Created connections need to be closed to make sure that any resources they keep hold of are released. The best way to do this is to use a try-with-resources block, as follows:
       try (RepositoryConnection conn = repository.getConnection()) {
              // perform operations on the connection

      Note that RepositoryConnection is not guaranteed to be thread-safe! The recommended pattern for repository access in a multi-threaded application is to share the Repository object between threads, but have each thread create and use its own RepositoryConnections.

      Specified by:
      getConnection in interface Repository
      A connection that allows operations on this repository.
      RepositoryException - If something went wrong during the creation of the Connection.
    • getDataDir

      public File getDataDir()
      Description copied from interface: Repository
      Get the directory where data and logging for this repository is stored.
      Specified by:
      getDataDir in interface Repository
      the directory where data for this repository is stored.
    • getValueFactory

      public ValueFactory getValueFactory()
      Description copied from interface: Repository
      Gets a ValueFactory for this Repository.
      Specified by:
      getValueFactory in interface Repository
      A repository-specific ValueFactory.
    • initializeInternal

      protected void initializeInternal() throws RepositoryException
      Specified by:
      initializeInternal in class AbstractRepository
    • isWritable

      public boolean isWritable() throws RepositoryException
      Description copied from interface: Repository
      Checks whether this repository is writable, i.e. if the data contained in this repository can be changed. The writability of the repository is determined by the writability of the Sail that this repository operates on.
      Specified by:
      isWritable in interface Repository
    • setDataDir

      public void setDataDir(File dataDir)
      Description copied from interface: Repository
      Set the directory where data and logging for this repository is stored.
      Specified by:
      setDataDir in interface Repository
      dataDir - the directory where data for this repository is stored
    • setUsernameAndPassword

      public void setUsernameAndPassword(String username, String password)
      Set the username and password to use for authenticating with the remote repository.
      username - the username. Setting this to null will disable authentication.
      password - the password. Setting this to null will disable authentication.
    • shutDownInternal

      protected void shutDownInternal() throws RepositoryException
      Specified by:
      shutDownInternal in class AbstractRepository
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getAdditionalHttpHeaders

      public Map<String,String> getAdditionalHttpHeaders()
      Get the additional HTTP headers which will be used
      a read-only view of the additional HTTP headers which will be included in every request to the server.
    • setAdditionalHttpHeaders

      public void setAdditionalHttpHeaders(Map<String,String> additionalHttpHeaders)
      Set additional HTTP headers to be included in every request to the server, which may be required for certain unusual server configurations. This will only take effect on connections subsequently returned by getConnection().
      additionalHttpHeaders - a map containing pairs of header names and values. May be null
    • enableQuadMode

      public void enableQuadMode(boolean flag)
      Activate quad mode for this SPARQLRepository, i.e. for retrieval of statements also retrieve the graph.

      Note: the setting is only applied in newly created SPARQLConnections as the setting is an immutable configuration of a connection instance.

      flag - flag to enable or disable the quad mode
      See Also:
    • getPassThroughEnabled

      public Boolean getPassThroughEnabled()
      Retrieve the passThroughEnabled setting to be used for any newly created RepositoryConnections.
      the passThroughEnabled setting. May be null if not explicitly configured.
      See Also:
    • setPassThroughEnabled

      public void setPassThroughEnabled(Boolean passThroughEnabled)
      Set the passThroughEnabled configuration. Changing this will influence behavior of any new RepositoryConnections, but not of existing ones.
      passThroughEnabled - the passThroughEnabled to set
      See Also:
      • invalid @see