Uses of Annotation Type
Packages that use Experimental
Package offering various locking scheme implementations.
The RDF Model API
Default implementations of the RDF model interfaces
Helper classes for working with RDF models.
Interfaces and classes for handling queries and query results.
Abstract Query Algebra model.
Implementations of
relevant to query evaluation.
invalid reference
Parsers and writers for the
SPARQL Query Results XML Format
This package contains classes for rendering RDF4J query objects as SPARQL queries.
RDF Storage And Inference Layer (RDF Sail): a set of interfaces defining an SPI for RDF databases.
Base functionality for Sail implementations that require multi-versioned concurrency control (MVCC).
Elasticsearch store for string triples.
Elasticsearch store for string triples
The LMDB based Store.
A Sail implementation for SHACL constraint checking.
Rdf4j-Spring DAO
Rdf4J-Spring Tx
A SPARQL test suite for RDF4J repositories
Packages with annotations of type Experimental
This package contains classes for rendering RDF4J query objects as SPARQL queries.
Elasticsearch store for string triples
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.collection.factory.api
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.collection.factory.api with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Queue
<BindingSet> CollectionFactory.createBindingSetQueue()
default Queue
<BindingSet> CollectionFactory.createBindingSetQueue
(Supplier<MutableBindingSet> create, Function<String, Predicate<BindingSet>> getHas, Function<String, Function<BindingSet, Value>> getget, Function<String, BiConsumer<Value, MutableBindingSet>> getSet) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.collection.factory.mapdb
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.collection.factory.mapdb with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMapDb3CollectionFactory.createBindingSetQueue
(Supplier<MutableBindingSet> create, Function<String, Predicate<BindingSet>> getHas, Function<String, Function<BindingSet, Value>> getget, Function<String, BiConsumer<Value, MutableBindingSet>> getSet) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.concurrent.locks
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.concurrent.locks with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A read/write-lock manager backed by a StampedLock. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.exception
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.exception with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
A way to signal which index is in use for a specific iterator (e.g.Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <E> CloseableIteration
<? extends E> DualUnionIteration.getWildcardInstance
(Comparator<E> cmp, CloseableIteration<? extends E> leftIteration, CloseableIteration<? extends E> rightIteration) Constructors in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.iteration with annotations of type ExperimentalModifierConstructorDescriptionDualUnionIteration
(Comparator<E> cmp, CloseableIteration<? extends E> iteration1, CloseableIteration<? extends E> iteration2) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.order
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.order with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
An interface forStatementOrder
implementations that can report which orders they support for a given subject, predicate, object and contexts.enum
An enum for the different orders in which statements can be ordered.Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.common.order with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStatementOrder.getComparator
(Comparator<Value> comparator) AvailableStatementOrder.getSupportedOrders
(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) Returns the supported orders for the given subject, predicate, object and contexts. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.evaluation.concurrent
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.evaluation.concurrent with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected BlockingQueue
<Runnable> ControlledWorkerScheduler.createBlockingQueue()
Create theBlockingQueue
used for the thread pool.protected ExecutorService
(int nWorkers, String name) Create theExecutorService
which is managing the individualParallelTask
s in a thread pool. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.write
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.federated.write with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface for theWriteStrategy
that is used for writing data to the federation. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.shacl
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.client.shacl with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Experimental support for handling SHACL violations against a remote RDF4J server. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.server.readonly
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.http.server.readonly with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.impl with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
GenericStatement<R extends Resource,
I extends IRI, V extends Value> An implementation of the Statement interface with support for Java Generics. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.util
Fields in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.util with annotations of type ExperimentalMethods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.util with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Model
(Model model) Converts the statements in the supplied RDF-star model to a new RDF model using reification.static void
(Model model, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF-star model to RDF reification statements.static Model
(ValueFactory vf, Model model) Converts the statements in supplied RDF-star model to a new RDF model using reificiation.static void
(ValueFactory vf, Model model, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF-star model to RDF reification statements.static Model
(ValueFactory vf, Model model, ModelFactory modelFactory) Converts the statements in supplied RDF-star model to a new RDF model using reificiation.static void
(Statement st, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF-star statement to RDF reification statements, and sends the resultant statements to the supplied consumer.static void
(ValueFactory vf, Function<Triple, Resource> reifiedIdMapper, Statement st, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF-star statement to RDF reification statements, and sends the resultant statements to the supplied consumer.static void
(ValueFactory vf, Statement st, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF-star statement to RDF reification statements, and sends the resultant statements to the supplied consumer.static Model
(Model model) Converts the supplied RDF reification model to a new RDF-star model.static void
(Model model, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF reification model to RDF-star statements.static Model
(ValueFactory vf, Model model) Converts the statements in supplied RDF reification model to a new RDF-star model.static void
(ValueFactory vf, Model model, Consumer<Statement> consumer) Converts the supplied RDF reification model to RDF-star statements.static Model
(ValueFactory vf, Model model, ModelFactory modelFactory) Converts the statements in supplied RDF reification model to a new RDF-star model.static boolean
(Iterable<? extends Statement> model1, Iterable<? extends Statement> model2) Deprecated. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Explanation
(Explanation.Level level) Explain how the query will be (or has been) executed/evaluated by returning an explanation of the query plan. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
function call that can be defined to take an argument and can apply distinct filtering on it.Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBinaryTupleOperator.getAlgorithmName()
default double
default Var
default long
default double
Returns the number of tuples that this QueryNode predicts will be outputted.TupleExpr.getSupportedOrders
(AvailableStatementOrder tripleSource) default long
(String classSimpleName) void
(CloseableIteration<?> iteration) void
(boolean cacheable) void
(double cardinality) default void
(double costEstimate) void
(String indexName) void
(boolean mergeJoin) default void
default void
(long resultSizeActual) default void
(double rows) default void
(long totalTime) protected boolean
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Supplier
<CollectionFactory> EvaluationStrategy.getCollectionFactory()
default Comparator
<Value> TripleSource.getComparator()
Different underlying datastructures may have different ways of ordering statements.default CloseableIteration
<? extends Statement> TripleSource.getStatements
(StatementOrder order, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) Gets all statements that have a specific subject, predicate and/or object.default Set
<StatementOrder> TripleSource.getSupportedOrders
(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) The underlying store may support some, but not all, statement orders based on the statement pattern.default boolean
Enable or disable results size tracking for the query plan.default void
(Supplier<CollectionFactory> collectionFactory) Set the collection factory that will create the collections to use during query evaluaton.default void
(boolean trackResultSize) Enable or disable results size tracking for the query plan.default void
(boolean trackTime) Enable or disable time tracking for the query plan. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.aggregate
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.aggregate with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
used for processing of extended statistical aggregate operations through SPARQL.class
implementation that processes SPARQL statistical functions based on inputLiteral
values. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.aggregate.stdev
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.aggregate.stdev with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that providesAggregateFunction
used for processing population standard deviation.class
implementation that providesAggregateFunction
used for processing sample standard deviation.class
that can compute both sample and population standard deviation based on input of numericLiteral
s. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.aggregate.variance
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.function.aggregate.variance with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
implementation that providesAggregateFunction
used for processing population variance.class
implementation that providesAggregateFunction
used for processing sample variance.class
that can compute both sample and population variance based on input of numericLiteral
s. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.impl
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.impl with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Comparator
<Value> QueryEvaluationContext.getComparator()
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.iterator
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.iterator with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An iterator that allows to peek at the next element without consuming it. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.optimizer
Fields in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.evaluation.optimizer with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic int
When deciding if merge join is the correct approach we will compare the cardinality of the two join arguments, if one is bigger than the other by a factor of MERGE_JOIN_CARDINALITY_SIZE_DIFF_MULTIPLIER then we will not use merge join.static boolean
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.helpers
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.algebra.helpers with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Convert TupleExpr (QueryModelNode) to GenericPlanNode for the Query.explain(...) feature. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.explanation
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.explanation with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
This is an experimental feature.static enum
The different levels that the query explanation can be at.class
This is an experimental feature.class
This is an experimental feature. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.parser.sparql.aggregate
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.parser.sparql.aggregate with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Collector for values used byAggregateFunction
AggregateFunction<T extends AggregateCollector,
D> interface
Factory for a registeredAggregateFunction
that is evaluated in the same fashion as standard aggregate functions e.g.Sum
invalid input: '&'Count
implementation that stores available custom aggregate functions that can be used during query evaluation. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio
Fields in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final TupleQueryResultFormat
SPARQL-star Query Results JSON Format (like SPARQL JSON but with RDF-star support).static final TupleQueryResultFormat
SPARQL-star Query Results XML Format (like SPARQL/XML but with native RDF-star support). -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio.sparqlxml
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio.sparqlxml with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Parser for reading tuple query results formatted as SPARQL Results Documents, extended with support for RDF-star triplesclass
for parsers of extended SPARQL/XML tuple query results:TupleQueryResultFormat.SPARQL_STAR
that writes tuple query results in the extended form SPARQL Query Results XML Format.class
for writers of extended SPARQL/XML tuple query results:TupleQueryResultFormat.SPARQL_STAR
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.queryrender.sparql.experimental
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.queryrender.sparql.experimental with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An alternative implementation of the SPARQL query renderer (more complete than the defaultSPARQLQueryRenderer
) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Explanation
(Explanation.Level level, TupleExpr tupleExpr, Dataset dataset, BindingSet bindings, boolean includeInferred, int timeoutSeconds) Explain how the TupleExpr will be (or has been) executed/evaluated by returning a TupleExpr (which may or may not be the provided TupleExpr) that has gone through zero or more of the stages prior to and also including execution as specified by the provided level.default Comparator
<Value> SailConnection.getComparator()
Different underlying datastructures may have different ways of ordering statements.default CloseableIteration
<? extends Statement> SailConnection.getStatements
(StatementOrder statementOrder, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, boolean includeInferred, Resource... contexts) Gets all statements from the specified contexts that have a specific subject, predicate and/or object.default Set
<StatementOrder> SailConnection.getSupportedOrders
(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) The underlying store may support some, but not all, statement orders based on the statement pattern. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.base
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.base with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault Comparator
<Value> SailDataset.getComparator()
default CloseableIteration
<? extends Statement> SailDataset.getStatements
(StatementOrder statementOrder, Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) Gets all statements that have a specific subject, predicate and/or object.default Set
<StatementOrder> SailDataset.getSupportedOrders
(Resource subj, IRI pred, Value obj, Resource... contexts) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.elasticsearchstore
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.elasticsearchstore with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An RDF4J SailStore persisted to Elasticsearch.class
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.extensiblestore
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.extensiblestore with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
An interface to implement a base data structure for the ExtensibleStore.class
ExtensibleStore<T extends DataStructureInterface,
N extends NamespaceStoreInterface> A store where the backing storage can be implemented by the user.class
ExtensibleStoreConnection<E extends ExtensibleStore>
FilteringIteration<E extends ExtensibleStatement,
X extends Exception> A wrapper for an Iteration that filters the statements against a pattern similar to getStatements(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Resource...interface
SortedIteration<E extends ExtensibleStatement,
X extends Exception> A wrapper for an Iteration that filters the statements against a pattern similar to getStatements(Resource subject, IRI predicate, Value object, Resource... -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.extensiblestore.evaluationstatistics
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.extensiblestore.evaluationstatistics with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface to support evaluation statistics that keep their own internal estimates and need to be notified of added or removed statements.enum
Enum to support multiple different EvaluationStatistics implementations.class
A wrapper around a data structure to support evaluation statistics that need to be notified of added or removed statements.class
ExtensibleDirectEvaluationStatistics provides evaluation statistics by using the default implementation.class
ExtensibleDirectEvaluationStatistics provides evaluation statistics by directly querying the underlying data source.class
ExtensibleDynamicEvaluationStatistics aims to keep an internal estimate of the cardinality of various statement patterns.class
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.lmdb
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.lmdb with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A SAIL implementation using LMDB for storing and querying its data. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionprotected static class
static enum
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected ShaclSail.RevivableExecutorService
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl.config
Methods in org.eclipse.rdf4j.sail.shacl.config with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(boolean dashDataShapes) void
(boolean eclipseRdf4jShaclExtensions) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.dao
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.dao with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in
Classes in with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in
Classes in with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of Experimental in
Classes in with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in
Methods in with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDelegatingGraphQuery.explain
(Explanation.Level level) DelegatingTupleQuery.explain
(Explanation.Level level) -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.test
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.test with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Spring configuration for use in unit tests. -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.tx
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.tx with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.util
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.spring.util with annotations of type Experimental -
Uses of Experimental in org.eclipse.rdf4j.testsuite.sparql
Classes in org.eclipse.rdf4j.testsuite.sparql with annotations of type ExperimentalModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A suite of custom compliance tests on SPARQL query functionality for RDF4J Repositories.
Models.isomorphic(Iterable, Iterable)