Class JSONLDSettings


public class JSONLDSettings extends Object
Settings that can be passed to JSONLD Parsers and Writers.
Peter Ansell
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final BooleanRioSetting COMPACT_ARRAYS
      If set to true, the JSON-LD processor replaces arrays with just one element with that element during compaction. If set to false, all arrays will remain arrays even if they have just one element.

      Defaults to true.

      Can be overridden by setting system property

      See Also:

      public static final RioSetting<com.github.jsonldjava.core.DocumentLoader> DOCUMENT_LOADER
      If specified, it is used to retrieve remote documents and contexts; otherwise the processor's built-in loader is used.

      public static final RioSetting<no.hasmac.jsonld.document.Document> EXPAND_CONTEXT
      The JSON-LD context to use when expanding JSON-LD
      See Also:
    • FRAME

      public static final RioSetting<no.hasmac.jsonld.document.Document> FRAME

      public static final BooleanRioSetting EXCEPTION_ON_WARNING
      The JSON-LD processor will throw an exception if a warning is encountered during processing.

      public static final BooleanRioSetting OPTIMIZE
      If set to true, the JSON-LD processor is allowed to optimize the output of the Compaction algorithm to produce even compacter representations.

      Defaults to false.

      Can be overridden by setting system property

      See Also:

      public static final BooleanRioSetting PRODUCE_GENERALIZED_RDF
      If set to true, the JSON-LD processor may emit blank nodes for triple predicates, otherwise they will be omitted.

      Note: the use of blank node identifiers to label properties is obsolete, and may be removed in a future version of JSON-LD,

      Defaults to false.

      Can be overridden by setting system property

      See Also:

      public static final BooleanRioSetting USE_NATIVE_TYPES
      If set to true, the JSON-LD processor will try to convert typed values to JSON native types instead of using the expanded object form when converting from RDF. xsd:boolean values will be converted to true or false. xsd:integer and xsd:double values will be converted to JSON numbers.

      Defaults to false for RDF compatibility.

      Can be overridden by setting system property

      See Also:

      public static final BooleanRioSetting USE_RDF_TYPE
      If set to true, the JSON-LD processor will use the expanded rdf:type IRI as the property instead of @type when converting from RDF.

      Defaults to false.

      Can be overridden by setting system property

      See Also:

      public static final RioSetting<JSONLDMode> JSONLD_MODE
      The JSONLDMode that the writer will use to reorganise the JSONLD document after it is created.

      Defaults to JSONLDMode.EXPAND to provide maximum RDF compatibility.

      See Also:

      public static final BooleanRioSetting HIERARCHICAL_VIEW
      If set to true, the JSON-LD processor will try to represent the JSON-LD object in a hierarchical view.

      Default to false

      Can be overridden by setting system property


      public static final SetRioSetting<String> WHITELIST
      Whitelist of remote/local resources that the JSON-LD parser can retrieve. Set of URIs as strings. This can be overridden by setting a system property with the key and a JSON array of the desired values.


      invalid @code
      {@code Set.of("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "");

      public static final BooleanRioSetting SECURE_MODE
      Secure mode only allows loading remote/local resources (ex. context from url) that are whitelisted. This can be overridden by setting a system property with the key and a boolean value.

      Default: true


      public static final BooleanRioSetting DOCUMENT_LOADER_CACHE
      The document loader cache is enabled by default. All loaded documents, such as remote contexts, are cached for 1 hour, or until the cache is full. The cache holds up to 1000 documents. The cache is shared between all JSONLDParsers. The cache can be disabled by setting this value to false.

      Default: true