Package org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary
package org.eclipse.rdf4j.model.vocabulary
Re-usable constants for various well-known RDF vocabularies.
ClassesClassDescription vocabulary for configuration of RDF4J components: Repositories, SAILs, and so on.Custom Graph Query Inferencer configContextAwareRepository configElasticsearch Store configHTTP Repository configLucene Sail configMemory Store configNative Store configProxyRepository configRepository configSail configSHACL Sail configSPARQLRepository configVocabulary constants for the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, version 1.1Constants for the W3C Data Catalog Vocabulary.Vocabulary constants for the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Metadata Terms.Constants for the Description of a Project.Constants for EARL primitives and for the EARL namespace.Defines constants for the standard XPath functions.Constants for FOAF primitives and for the FOAF namespace.
Resources here are defined according to the FOAF specs on, version 0.99, 14 January 2014Constants for the Hydra Core Vocabulary.Constants for the Linked Data Platform. for the ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary.Constants for the Open Digital Rights Language.Constants for the W3C Organization Ontology.Constants for OWL / OWL 2 primitives and for the OWL / OWL 2 namespace.Constants for the Provenance Ontology.Constants for RDF primitives and for the RDF namespace.Defines constants for the RDF4J namespace.Constants for the RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema (RDFS)Constants for the W3C Registered Organization Vocabulary.Constants for the Eclipse RDF4J SHACL Extensions.Namespace Sparql-service-description.Defines constants for the Sesame schema namespace.Defines constants for the Sesame QName schema namespace.Constants for the Shapes Constraint Language.Vocabulary constants for the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS).Vocabulary constants for the SKOS eXtension for Labels (SKOS-XL). Standard Module library.Constants for the Time Ontology in OWL.Constants for a vocabulary for annotating vocabulary descriptions (VANN).Constants for the vCard Ontology.Constants for the W3C Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets.Constants for the Basic Geo (WGS84 lat/long) Vocabulary.Deprecated.since 3.3.0.Constants for the standard XML Schema 1.1 datatypes.