Class RDFNotifyingStoreTest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class RDFNotifyingStoreTest extends RDFStoreTest implements SailChangedListener
A JUnit test for testing Sail implementations that store RDF data. This is purely a test for data storage and retrieval which assumes that no inferencing or whatsoever is performed. This is an abstract class that should be extended for specific Sail implementations.
  • Constructor Details

    • RDFNotifyingStoreTest

      public RDFNotifyingStoreTest()
  • Method Details

    • createSail

      protected abstract NotifyingSail createSail() throws SailException
      Gets an instance of the Sail that should be tested. The returned repository should already have been initialized.
      Specified by:
      createSail in class RDFStoreTest
      an initialized Sail.
      SailException - If the initialization of the repository failed.
    • addSailChangedListener

      @BeforeEach public void addSailChangedListener()
    • testNotifyingRemoveAndClear

      @Test public void testNotifyingRemoveAndClear()
    • sailChanged

      public void sailChanged(SailChangedEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: SailChangedListener
      Notifies the listener of a change to the data of a specific Sail.
      Specified by:
      sailChanged in interface SailChangedListener