Interface SailFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
CustomGraphQueryInferencerFactory, DedupingInferencerFactory, DirectTypeHierarchyInferencerFactory, ElasticsearchSailFactory, ElasticsearchStoreFactory, LmdbStoreFactory, LuceneSailFactory, MemoryStoreFactory, NativeStoreFactory, SchemaCachingRDFSInferencerFactory, ShaclSailFactory, SolrSailFactory

public interface SailFactory
A SailFactory takes care of creating and initializing a specific type of Sail based on RDF configuration data. SailFactory's are used to create specific Sails and to initialize them based on the configuration data that is supplied to it, for example in a server environment.
Arjohn Kampman
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns a Sail instance that has been initialized using the supplied configuration data.
    Returns the type of the Sails that this factory creates.
  • Method Details

    • getSailType

      String getSailType()
      Returns the type of the Sails that this factory creates. Sail types are used for identification and should uniquely identify specific implementations of the Sail API. This type can be equal to the fully qualified class name of the Sail, but this is not required.
    • getConfig

      SailImplConfig getConfig()
    • getSail

      Sail getSail(SailImplConfig config) throws SailConfigException
      Returns a Sail instance that has been initialized using the supplied configuration data.
      config - TODO
      The created (but un-initialized) Sail.
      SailConfigException - If no Sail could be created due to invalid or incomplete configuration data.