Class SPARQLCrossProductIteration

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, Iterator<BindingSet>, CloseableIteration<BindingSet>

public class SPARQLCrossProductIteration extends LookAheadIteration<BindingSet>
Iteration which forms the cross product of a list of materialized input bindings with each result obtained from the inner iteration. Example: inputBindings := {b1, b2, ...} resultIteration := {r1, r2, ...} getNextElement() returns (r1,b1), (r1, b2), ..., (r2, b1), (r2, b2), ... i.e. compute the cross product per result binding Note that this class is a fully equivalent copy of CrossProductIteration, and is only included here to avoid a circular dependency between the algebra-evaluation module and the sparql-repository module.
Andreas Schwarte