Class Literals


public class Literals extends Object
Various utility methods related to Literal.
Arjohn Kampman, Peter Ansell
  • Constructor Details

    • Literals

      protected Literals()
  • Method Details

    • getLabel

      public static String getLabel(Literal l, String fallback)
      Gets the label of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case the supplied literal is null.
      l - The literal to get the label for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case the supplied literal is null.
      Either the literal's label, or the fallback value.
    • getLabel

      public static String getLabel(Value v, String fallback)
      Returns the result of getLabel((Literal)v, fallback in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getByteValue

      public static byte getByteValue(Literal l, byte fallback)
      Gets the byte value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.byteValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the byte value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no byte value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's byte value, or the fallback value.
    • getByteValue

      public static byte getByteValue(Value v, byte fallback)
      Returns the result of getByteValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getShortValue

      public static short getShortValue(Literal l, short fallback)
      Gets the short value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.shortValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the short value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no short value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's short value, or the fallback value.
    • getShortValue

      public static short getShortValue(Value v, short fallback)
      Returns the result of getShortValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getIntValue

      public static int getIntValue(Literal l, int fallback)
      Gets the int value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.intValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the int value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no int value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's int value, or the fallback value.
    • getIntValue

      public static int getIntValue(Value v, int fallback)
      Returns the result of getIntValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getLongValue

      public static long getLongValue(Literal l, long fallback)
      Gets the long value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.longValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the long value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no long value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's long value, or the fallback value.
    • getLongValue

      public static long getLongValue(Value v, long fallback)
      Returns the result of getLongValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getIntegerValue

      public static BigInteger getIntegerValue(Literal l, BigInteger fallback)
      Gets the integer value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.integerValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the integer value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no integer value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's integer value, or the fallback value.
    • getIntegerValue

      public static BigInteger getIntegerValue(Value v, BigInteger fallback)
      Returns the result of getIntegerValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getDecimalValue

      public static BigDecimal getDecimalValue(Literal l, BigDecimal fallback)
      Gets the decimal value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.decimalValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the decimal value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no decimal value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's decimal value, or the fallback value.
    • getDecimalValue

      public static BigDecimal getDecimalValue(Value v, BigDecimal fallback)
      Returns the result of getDecimalValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getFloatValue

      public static float getFloatValue(Literal l, float fallback)
      Gets the float value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.floatValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the float value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no float value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's float value, or the fallback value.
    • getFloatValue

      public static float getFloatValue(Value v, float fallback)
      Returns the result of getFloatValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getDoubleValue

      public static double getDoubleValue(Literal l, double fallback)
      Gets the double value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.doubleValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the double value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no double value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's double value, or the fallback value.
    • getDoubleValue

      public static double getDoubleValue(Value v, double fallback)
      Returns the result of getDoubleValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getBooleanValue

      public static boolean getBooleanValue(Literal l, boolean fallback)
      Gets the boolean value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.booleanValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the boolean value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no boolean value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's boolean value, or the fallback value.
    • getBooleanValue

      public static boolean getBooleanValue(Value v, boolean fallback)
      Returns the result of getBooleanValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • getCalendarValue

      public static XMLGregorianCalendar getCalendarValue(Literal l, XMLGregorianCalendar fallback)
      Gets the calendar value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case Literal.calendarValue() throws a NumberFormatException.
      l - The literal to get the calendar value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no calendar value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's calendar value, or the fallback value.
    • getDurationValue

      public static Duration getDurationValue(Literal l, Duration fallback)
      Gets the Duration value of the supplied literal. The fallback value is returned in case XMLDatatypeUtil.parseDuration(String) throws an exception.
      l - The literal to get the Duration value for.
      fallback - The value to fall back to in case no Duration value could gotten from the literal.
      Either the literal's Duration value, or the fallback value.
    • getCalendarValue

      public static XMLGregorianCalendar getCalendarValue(Value v, XMLGregorianCalendar fallback)
      Returns the result of getCalendarValue((Literal)value, fallback) in case the supplied value is a literal, returns the fallback value otherwise.
    • createLiteral

      @Deprecated(since="3.5.0") public static Literal createLiteral(ValueFactory valueFactory, Object object)
      Creates a typed Literal out of the supplied object, mapping the runtime type of the object to the appropriate XML Schema type. If no mapping is available, the method returns a literal with the string representation of the supplied object as the value, and XSD.STRING as the datatype. Recognized types are Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, XMLGregorianCalendar , and Date.
      valueFactory -
      object - an object to be converted to a typed literal.
      a typed literal representation of the supplied object.
      NullPointerException - If the object was null.
    • createLiteralOrFail

      @Deprecated(since="3.5.0") public static Literal createLiteralOrFail(ValueFactory valueFactory, Object object) throws LiteralUtilException
      Creates a typed Literal out of the supplied object, mapping the runtime type of the object to the appropriate XML Schema type. If no mapping is available, the method throws a LiteralUtilException. Recognized types are Boolean, Byte, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, XMLGregorianCalendar , and Date.
      valueFactory -
      object - an object to be converted to a typed literal.
      a typed literal representation of the supplied object.
      LiteralUtilException - If the literal could not be created.
      NullPointerException - If the object was null.
    • canCreateLiteral

      @Deprecated public static boolean canCreateLiteral(Object object)
      since 3.5.0
      Helper method for determining whether a literal could be created from an object using a ValueFactory.
      object - an object to check for the possibility of being converted to a typed literal.
      True if a literal could be created from the given object, based solely on its type and the methods available on the ValueFactory interface and false otherwise. Returns false if the object is null.
    • isLanguageLiteral

      public static boolean isLanguageLiteral(Literal literal)
      Helper method to determine whether a literal is a language literal, and not a typed literal.
      literal - The literal to check
      True if the literal has a language tag attached to it and false otherwise.
    • normalizeLanguageTag

      public static String normalizeLanguageTag(String languageTag) throws IllformedLocaleException
      Normalizes the given BCP47 language tag according to the rules defined in RFC 5646, section 2.1.1:

      All subtags, including extension and private use subtags, use lowercase letters with two exceptions: two-letter and four-letter subtags that neither appear at the start of the tag nor occur after singletons. Such two-letter subtags are all uppercase (as in the tags "en-CA-x-ca" or "sgn-BE-FR") and four- letter subtags are titlecase (as in the tag "az-Latn-x-latn").
      languageTag - An unnormalized, valid, language tag
      A normalized version of the given language tag
      IllformedLocaleException - If the given language tag is ill-formed according to the rules specified in BCP47 (RFC 5646).
    • isValidLanguageTag

      public static boolean isValidLanguageTag(String languageTag)
      Checks if the given string is a well-formed BCP47 language tag according to the rules defined in RFC 5646, section 2.1.1.
      languageTag - A language tag
      true if the given language tag is well-formed according to the rules specified in BCP47.
    • langMatches

      public static boolean langMatches(String langTag, String langRange)
      Implements language range filtering for SPARQL langMatches (
      langTag - the tag to filter
      langRange - the range to filter against
      true if langTag matches langRange