Class NativeStore

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    FederatedServiceResolverClient, NotifyingSail, Sail
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class NativeStore
    extends AbstractNotifyingSail
    implements FederatedServiceResolverClient
    A SAIL implementation using B-Tree indexing on disk for storing and querying its data.

    The NativeStore is designed for datasets between 100,000 and 100 million triples. On most operating systems, if there is sufficient physical memory, the NativeStore will act like the MemoryStore, because the read/write commands will be cached by the OS. This technique allows the NativeStore to operate quite well for millions of triples.

    Arjohn Kampman, jeen
    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeStore

        public NativeStore()
        Creates a new NativeStore.
      • NativeStore

        public NativeStore​(File dataDir)
      • NativeStore

        public NativeStore​(File dataDir,
                           String tripleIndexes)
    • Method Detail

      • setDataDir

        public void setDataDir​(File dataDir)
        Description copied from interface: Sail
        Sets the data directory for the Sail. The Sail can use this directory for storage of data, parameters, etc. This directory must be set before the Sail is initialized.
        Specified by:
        setDataDir in interface Sail
        setDataDir in class AbstractSail
      • setTripleIndexes

        public void setTripleIndexes​(String tripleIndexes)
        Sets the triple indexes for the native store, must be called before initialization.
        tripleIndexes - An index strings, e.g. spoc,posc.
      • getTripleIndexes

        public String getTripleIndexes()
      • setForceSync

        public void setForceSync​(boolean forceSync)
        Specifies whether updates should be synced to disk forcefully, must be called before initialization. Enabling this feature may prevent corruption in case of events like power loss, but can have a severe impact on write performance. By default, this feature is disabled.
      • getForceSync

        public boolean getForceSync()
      • setValueCacheSize

        public void setValueCacheSize​(int valueCacheSize)
      • setValueIDCacheSize

        public void setValueIDCacheSize​(int valueIDCacheSize)
      • setNamespaceCacheSize

        public void setNamespaceCacheSize​(int namespaceCacheSize)
      • setNamespaceIDCacheSize

        public void setNamespaceIDCacheSize​(int namespaceIDCacheSize)
      • shutDown

        public void shutDown()
                      throws SailException
        Description copied from interface: Sail
        Shuts down the Sail, giving it the opportunity to synchronize any stale data. Care should be taken that all initialized Sails are being shut down before an application exits to avoid potential loss of data. Once shut down, a Sail can no longer be used until it is re-initialized.
        Specified by:
        shutDown in interface Sail
        shutDown in class AbstractSail
        SailException - If the Sail object encountered an error or unexpected situation internally.
      • isWritable

        public boolean isWritable()
        Description copied from interface: Sail
        Checks whether this Sail object is writable, i.e. if the data contained in this Sail object can be changed.
        Specified by:
        isWritable in interface Sail
      • getValueFactory

        public ValueFactory getValueFactory()
        Description copied from interface: Sail
        Gets a ValueFactory object that can be used to create IRI-, blank node-, literal- and statement objects.
        Specified by:
        getValueFactory in interface Sail
        a ValueFactory object for this Sail object.
      • getTransactionLock

        protected Lock getTransactionLock​(IsolationLevel level)
                                   throws SailException
        This call will block when IsolationLevels.NONE is provided when there are active transactions with a higher isolation and block when a higher isolation is provided when there are active transactions with IsolationLevels.NONE isolation. Store is either exclusively in IsolationLevels.NONE isolation with potentially zero or more transactions, or exclusively in higher isolation mode with potentially zero or more transactions.
        level - indicating desired mode IsolationLevels.NONE or higher
        Lock used to prevent Store from switching isolation modes
      • getCollectionFactory

        public Supplier<CollectionFactory> getCollectionFactory()
        Description copied from interface: Sail
        Gets a CollectionFactory that may be optimized for this store and may or may not use disk or other resources.
        Specified by:
        getCollectionFactory in interface Sail
        a CollectionFactory