Class MathUtil

  • public class MathUtil
    extends Object
    A utility class for evaluation of mathematical expressions on RDF literals.
    Jeen Broekstra
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_DECIMAL_EXPANSION_SCALE
        The default expansion scale used in division operations resulting in a decimal value with non-terminating decimal expansion. The OpenRDF default is 24 digits, a value used in various other SPARQL implementations, to make comparison between these systems easy.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • MathUtil

        public MathUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • compute

        public static Literal compute​(Literal leftLit,
                                      Literal rightLit,
                                      MathExpr.MathOp op,
                                      ValueFactory vf)
                               throws ValueExprEvaluationException
        Computes the result of applying the supplied math operator on the supplied left and right operand.
        leftLit - a numeric datatype literal
        rightLit - a numeric datatype literal
        op - a mathematical operator, as definied by MathExpr.MathOp.
        vf - a ValueFactory used to create the result
        a numeric datatype literal containing the result of the operation. The result will be datatype according to the most specific data type the two operands have in common per the SPARQL/XPath spec.
      • getDecimalExpansionScale

        public static int getDecimalExpansionScale()
        Returns the decimal expansion scale used in division operations resulting in a decimal value with non-terminating decimal expansion. By default, this value is set to 24.
        The decimal expansion scale.
      • setDecimalExpansionScale

        public static void setDecimalExpansionScale​(int decimalExpansionScale)
        Sets the decimal expansion scale used in divisions resulting in a decimal value with non-terminating decimal expansion.
        decimalExpansionScale - The decimal expansion scale to set. Note that a mimimum of 18 is required to stay compliant with the XPath specification of xsd:decimal operations.